Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thought Provoking Thursday

I came across this quote about 2 weeks ago while Damian and I were in New York.  We were in a little shop filled with knick- knacks and things of this nature.  They had a whole bunch of Buddha statues and on one of the displays this quote was taped.  It immediately caught my eye and I snapped a pic of it right away.  And ever since, it keeps popping up in my mind and I have come across it by accident twice(once in a book and once while googling something else)

How powerful is this quote?!   It doesn't matter how many people you "beat" down or rise above if you haven't won any personal battles that you have within yourself.  

In all things there is beauty



  1. This is great! I don't think many people realize this. I didn't until I got to this age..... Now I'm realizing how much my childhood has affected me and how the only way I can get through certain things is by dealing with my inner struggles... or my inner critic. That workshop I took really helped me with it.... you should take it =)

  2. I forgot to sign up for it back in February. ..I will have to plan for the next one!
