~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JUST LOVE YOURSELF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was having a conversation with a friend via email earlier this week where I was being extremely open and honest about some of the feelings I have had about myself. How nice it is to have that one person that while always tells you the truth, doesn't make you feel like crud when she has to hit you in the face with reality. She basically told me... STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP!! WE ALL HAVE ISSUES!! WORK IT OUT!!
But then she acknowledged that everyone reacts to things differently and views things differently so she understand that it is easier said than done. Everyone needs a friend like that.
I feel
really comfortable around you…. ----------> She wrote this to me in response to something I had said. Such a simple sentence, but an EVEN MORE POWERFUL message. Put quite the smile on my face.
We don’t
take our success when we die… or our looks….. gotta kinda tell yourself that..
but everyone is different….. we feel different… hear different and see
different…. ------------> her helping to bring me down from the top rung of the self bashing ladder. And still sensitive enough to acknowledge that things are sometimes easier said than done.
I hope everyone out there is lucky enough to have a friend like mine who reminds them that they are loved and that they need to love themselves!! And if you don't know someone like that --- let me be that person for you:
Always remember:

Now if only I can take all these wonderful words of wisdom and put them to use in my own life!! Haha!
In all things there is beauty,
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