Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Manicure Monday

This weeks nail color is about as simple as it comes--- YELLOW!!  I figured what better what to kick off the official summertime than with a color that represents the Sun.

This week I used Sally Hansen's Mellow Yellow nail polish.  This is the Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear formula. BUT BE CAREFUL--  Sally Hansen is in the process of changing the formula for some of their Hard As Nails, Xtreme Wear colors and this is one of them.  The original formula is creamy and opaque and glides on.  I haven't been hearing many good things on the new formula, but since I have yet to try it, I won't bash it yet!!

Here are a couple of pics showing my "always imperfect -do it myself because I am cheap" manicure, and yes I did clean up more around my cuticles, but I normally do that the next morning gin the shower:

Besides the annoying shadow, I like this pic best because it shows the color in natural light

So what do you have on your nails this week??

In all things there is beauty

~~~ Michelle xoxoxo

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